Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thai Green Chicken Curry

Here is a fast and yummy dish -- a favorite of my hubby.  I've prepared it quite a number of different ways in the few years I've been making it, but I think I now have a really good version.  

Thai Green Chicken Curry

2 cloves garlic
1 knob of ginger (about as much as the garlic)
2 pieces aubergine/eggplant
2 pieces chicken breast fillets, about 200 grams, cut into strips
1 can of coconut milk, about 400 ml
3 tablespoons green curry paste (I use the Mae-ploy brand)
1 teaspoon shrimp paste or bagoong
fish sauce, to taste

Cut the aubergine into strips, then boil until almost cooked. Set aside.
In a hot pan,  saute the minced garlic until it emits a nice smell, then add in the minced ginger. Stir around a bit, then add in the shrimp paste.
Add in the green curry paste next and stir around the mixture in the pan for about a minute.

Add in the chicken strips and stir until chicken is cooked.
Add in the coconut milk and let boil.
Bring down heat to a simmer, then add in the boiled aubergines.
Simmer the curry for about 30 minutes until cooked.
Serve with steaming, white rice.

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